
Thursday, December 27, 2012

From Christmas to Valentines Day

It seems crazy that Christmas has already come and gone. For months I look forward to the holiday and we all crazily prepare for the big day for it to be over in a matter of hours. Its kind of sad in a way but I wouldn't trade it for the world. For those of us who know the true reason for the season it is a wonderous and joyful occassion. With it being over I now have to focus my attention on the next holiday which is Valentines Day. I know it seems crazy thinking of it so fast but it will be here before we know it. I have been busily working on some new heart designs for 2013. For the first video of the year I will be showing how to make this super cute 3D heart ring. I love this little ring and everyone who has seen it at the shop so far has loved it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Working on kits

Every year for Christmas one of the things I ask for from my in laws is a new beading kit. I scour the Internet looking for projects that look interesting and send the links to Patty. She then surprises me on Christmas morning with a bright shiny new kit to work on. Last year she got me several and there is one that I had yet to tackle until tonight.

I was immediately drawn to this kit because of the beaded beads. Anyone who knows me knows that I love beaded beads. I do believe though that I have finally met a beaded bead that I can live the rest of my life and feel fine if I never make one again.

This beaded bead is simple in concept. Basically it's a base beaded bead that you then embellish. The thing I don't like about it is the fact that you have to use illusion cord and by the time you get to the end you can hardly get your thread through the beads. The illusion cord makes the bead super stiff but boy is that stuff a pickle to work with after its been wrapped around a little disc for over a year :(

Just because I HATE this beaded bead it won't stop me from finishing the necklace. As the old saying goes "take one step at a time" but in my case I'm going to take it one bead at a time. I think I still have 3 or 4 more beaded beads to make and they are different so maybe it won't be so bad. I'm going to have to go and bury my poor big eye needle tomorrow though. I started using it about halfway through so that I could get the thread through and let's just say that it has now seen its better days!

If your interested in the kit or pattern you can check out her website or etsy store that is one the first picture.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Big Color for 2013.......

Every year Pantone choses a color that will be seen widely throughout the year.  2013's color is going to be Emerald. It's the color of Oz and one of the most abundant colors in nature.  For all you jewelry designers out there you may want to start stocking up and making jewelry with this color!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Feeling Accomplished!

Today I feel a feeling of accomplishment!  I got the rest of my Christmas cards sent out.  I love Christmas because its the one time of year when I get to send out cards. Christmas Cards are becoming a lost art as our society depends more and more on social media. When I was a kid I loved to go to our family mail box and get the cards out of the box. When we got home mom would let me open them and I loved to see the shiny glittery festive colors.

When I was old enough to make my own money I started mailing out Christmas cards to my family. Then when Sammy and I got married I was so excited because I got to add a whole more people to my card list. I just love stuffing envelopes with my own personal holiday cheer. I guess I just have that hope that when someone opens their Christmas card they are as happy to receive it as I am to send it.

With that being said, I was so excited yesterday to receive a large package in the mail. Last month I joined a charm swap from one of my yahoo groups. The package had all sorts of lovely charms sent from all over the United States. I put them on my chain but haven't had a chance to put the clasp on yet. I will defiantly do another swap in the future!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Book

I was surfing the web the other day and I found a great website called Mabeline Designs.  You can check it out at  I purchased a few patterns from the designer a few years ago at Bead and Button and loved them. Well come to find out she has written a book. If you order the book through her website you get free shipping and a few extra patterns that are not printed in the book. I ordered the book and it came in the mail on Saturday. I got a chance to sit down and look at it and let me tell is AWESOME!  Her patterns are great and the diagrams in this book are the best i've ever seen in a beading book. I will defently be making some of the patterns in this book!  You can also purchase PDF patterns from her website. If you get a chance to check it out them out because they are just as great!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Polar Express

Christmas is my absolute most favorite time of year!  If it's Christmas related I want to do it.  So last night Sammy, his parents, and myself went to ride the Polar Express in Bryson City NC.  It was an absolute blast! If you have kids and live anywhere near Bryson City you must take them to ride the train. They try to make it as much like the movie as possible. You sing carols, get to meet Santa who gives the small children a bell, you get to listen to the book being read aloud, and my most favorite...they serve you the BEST hot chocolate that I have EVER tasted! I would go and ride the train again just to get that hot chocolate!  I was telling my one of my best friends about it. She googled it and found the recipe.  According to the www here's how to make the worlds best polar express hot chocolate:

1.5 cups of Heavy Cream
1 Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk (14oz)
2 Cups of bittersweet chocolate chips
6 Cups of milk
1 tsp Vanilla extract
In a regular pot over low heat, combine all of the ingredients. Stir regularly for 30-40 minutes or until chocolate is fully melted.
I haven't tried this myself yet but if it's anywhere near as good as what they had on the train, you will LOVE IT!
Sammy thought it was hysterical when he put whipped cream on my nose so of coarse he had to have a picture. LOL!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Mothers/Grandmothers Bracelet Tutorial

Here at Christmas Time we always sell a lot of mothers/grandmothers bracelets at the shop. Basically the concept is to make a bracelet using birthstone colors. You can add as many or as few as you want. The best part about making the bracelets is there are endless possibilities on how to make them. Some people use glass beads, some use crystals, some letters, sterling, etc. The point is, that there is no wrong way to make a mothers/grandmothers bracelet. Below are a few examples that we keep in the store for people to get ideas from:

This gold bracelet is made with gold curved tubes and the February, August, April, and March Birthstones.
This bracelet is a 3 starnd bracelet with mine, Sammys, and Sammys sisters name on it. They also have the our birthstones on them.

These have initials with birthstones.

Our most requested bracelet is the one with the tubes so I'm going to show you a version of it.  You will need:
Assorted Beads
2 Crimp Tubes
2 Wire Protectors
4 Small curved tubes (38x2mm)

The wire I will be using for this project is thinner than I would use for most of my beading projects. I will be using a 49 strand wire with a .012 diameter. This thinner diameter allows you to be able to get 2 pieces of wire through your beads. This is my favorite kind to use:
1. Cut two pieces of wire approximately 10 inches long. Put both pieces of wire together thread your desired beads over BOTH wires.
2. Seperate the wires and thread a curved tube onto each wire on both ends.
3. Put your thread back together and thread a few beads over each end. I normally use some 3 or 4mm's to use up the little bit of extra space on the end of the bracelet. You will need more or less depending on the amount of beads you used for the top.
4. Keep the wire together and thread on a crimp tube, wire protector, and part of your clasp.
5. Go back down through the crimp tube and crimp. Trim the tails. You can cover up the crimp tube with a crimp cover is you wish.
6. Repeat step 4 & 5 on the other side.
I hope you guys enjoyed this easy bacelet idea!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Watch Tutorial!

Next week I will be doing a Watch Band Tutorial on our youtube page that is stitched. I wanted to do another tutorial that is simple to do. We sell a lot of these watch bands at the shop. They are stretchy and can be changed easily.

Materials List:
9 inches of 1mm Stretch Magic
Assorted Beads
2 Small Lobster Claws
2 - 2.5mm Crimp Tubes
2 - 4mm Crimp Covers
Crimp Pliers
Watch Face

On one end of your stretch magic thread on a crimp tube and one small lobster claw. Stretch the cord tight and go back through the crimp tube. Crimp the crimp tube but be easy not to press too tightly as you will cut the thread.

 Put a crimp cover over the crimp.

Thread on your desired amount of beads for the length.

Finish off the other end with a crimp, lobster claw, and crimp cover.

Attach lobster claws to each loop on the end of your watch face.


Monday, November 26, 2012

My heart is so heavy today. This post is supposed to be about thanks but it's hard to look on the bright side on some days. One of my friends and her husband are having family problems. I listened and prayed and took her out to have a pedi.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 25

Today I am thankful that the parade is over!  The parade seems to bring out the worst in people!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 24

Today I am thankful for rest!  I can call today the calm before the storm!  Tomorrow is the Christmas Parade and my day will be insane!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 23

I was one of the crazies that got out and went black friday shopping today. I wasn't going to go but Wal-Mart had an awesome deal on a camera.  I went and fought the good fight and got my camera and the new printer I was looking for!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Today I am most thankful for this holiday. Thanksgiving is one of the few times a year that I get to see all of my family so I try to enjoy it as much as possible. We have to run around like crazy but I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't run.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 21

Today I am thankful for School Holidays. My little sister in law came home yesterday for her Thanksgiving break. We hardly ever see her so when we do I always enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20

Today I am thankful for the Internet. It is simply amazing at how much knowledge you can get from the World Wide Web!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19

Today I am thankful for all the great shows I watched growing up. Loved the Muppets, Seaseme Street, and anything Disney!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

I love Sundays! Today I am thankful for naps!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 16

Today I am thankful for this awesome earth that we live on!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15

Today I am thankful for my church family.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14

Today I am thankful for everyday that the Lord gives me!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13

Today I am thankful for all the people who support me in my business. It amazes me how much support that people show me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12

Today I am thankful for beading. When I started beading as a hobby almost 12 years ago I could never have imagained that it would turn into what it is today!\

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 11

On Day 11 I am thankful for this beautiful world that we live in! One of my favorite places on earth is the beach.....any beach!  This photo was taken in Myrtle Beach back in May. Even though it was May it was still pretty cold at the beach. I love where I live because I am 4 hours from the beach and 2 hours from the Mountains.

Day 10

Today I am thankful for Fall and Winter. They are my FAVORITE seasons of the year! I love the cooler weather and how the hot summer days turn into cool fall and winter nights. I love to bundle up and layer my cloths and its hard to do that in 100 degree weather. One of my favorite parts about the season is that on Saturdays in December Sammy and I help out our town and work selling tickets for the Carriage Rides. It is such fun because for the most part people are happy and ready for the holiday season.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9

Today I am thankful for my love of reading. I love to read and I think that started early on as a child when my mom used to read to me everyday. I loved to go to the Library and I love the way a REAL book feels and smells. One of my favorite autors is Debbie MaComber.  You can find out more about her here:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8

Today I am thankful for my beloved Carolina Panthers. Even though they haven't played the greatest this year, there still my team!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7

Today I am thankful for my "family." This picture was taken last year at Christmas at our favorite Coffee Shop. My best friend in the whole world is Gina (in the black). We have been friends since we were freshmen in high school. We have got into a lot of trouble togther and had some wonderful times together!  Norlina (in the pink) is mine and Gina's mutual friend. We went to high school together also. She is a hoot. Sammy, Gina, and I love to pick on her and she takes it all in stride. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last few years without my "family" and I love them dearly.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6

Today I am thankful for my pets. We have a beagle name Lilly and a Wennie dog named Oscar. We have had them both since 2006 and since we don't have kids they are like our children.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5

I know this is going to sound funny to a lot of people but today I am thankful for my local grocery store...Ingles. I love Ingles. They have everything I need on my grocery list and most day's I don't have to fight a large crowd while I shop.

I was a happy happy girl today. Nikia Angels new book arrived at the shop and I was doing the happy dance. I have been waiting for this book to arrive since the early summer. Nikia is one of my favorite designers and I'm so excited that she finally has her own book. This book defiantly needs to be added to your book library!

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Location:Bluebell Ct,Rutherfordton,United States

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4

Today I am thankful for my little sister. We are all so proud of her. She was only in the third grade when I met Sammy and now she is a freshmen at Appalachian State University. Although we don't completely understand her all the time she's still the greatest. I am super lucky to have such a great little sister!

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

Today I am thankful for my grandmother. She is the only grandparent that I have left. This picture was taken earlier in the year and she is holding Maggie (her baby) and Gracie (my sissy).

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

Day 2: I am thankful for my wonderful, loving, motivational, intelligent parents! My mom and dad are a huge part of who I am. They always told me when I was younger that when i grew up to do a job I loved so that I would have a good life. No matter if I had a lot of material wealth, as long as I was happy. And boy were they right! I may not be the richest person in the world but I have what I need and i like going to work everyday. I am extremely lucky to still have both of my parents. They have been married for over 32 years and have been such a blessing. I look back now and regret how I treated them as a (stupid) teenager but am thankful that they loved me enough not to kill me during my bad years. This picture is one of my favorite pictures of them. It was taken last Thanksgiving making it a perfect picture for my day 2 of thanks!

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 days of thanks

Happy November 1st! It is so hard to believe that November is here and Christmas is right up the road. November is one of my favorite months because of Thanksgiving. It is one of the few times a year that I get to see some of my extended family and it's also the one time of year that I eat as much turkey as I can possibly stuff myself with. I love turkey but normally only eat it at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh how I look forward to this time of year! As I prepare myself for turkey I am also going to take each day this month and give thanks for something everyday. A lot of times we forget to be thankful. So on this first day of November I am thankful for Jesus Christ and the fact that he died on a tree so that I could be saved.

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Cruela de Vil and Blingda the good witch.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween is on it's way

In my house Halloween was never a big deal. I didn't even ever go trick or treating until I was well over the age limit to go. My dad is a pastor and Halloween was never celebrated in our house. I have never dressed up for Halloween until the last few years. When I took over as Merchant Association president of our town we started doing trick or treat in town again. The first year I dressed up as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and the kids loved it. I had the big dress and all. I had a blast and decided to make it an annual thing and see each year what I could come up with. It's hard because if you go to the store to buy a costume everything is "sexy" nurse, or "sexy" kitten, etc. When you are around kids handing out candy "sexy" doesn't quite cut it. I went to our local costume shop and found this really fun Witch hat. I purchased the hat but wasn't thrilled with any costume I could find. Thus, Pinterest took over! I logged onto Pinterest and made my costume this year from scratch. As I was putting the finishing touches on my costume tonight I couldn't help but take pride in the fact that I had tried a lot of new crafts with this new costume. You always see all this fun stuff on Pinterest and Pin it but, how often do we really do the stuff we pin. Well I used quite a few pins for Halloween. From head to toe, I'm going to be a walking billboard for Pinterest!

Town wide Trick-Or-Treat is friday and I'm going to have Sammy take pictures so I'll post the full costume then. I'm so excited to wear my outfit! I'm going to be "Blingda" the Blingy Witch! Lol!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Shayla Daniel - Milady Pendant
3g Green Gold lined 11 Seed Beads
3g Bronze 11 Seed Beads
2g Gold 15 Seed Beads
4x14mm Autumn Colour Rivolis
44x3mm Soft Copper Glass Pearls
32x3mm Bronze Crystal Bicones
8x8mm Soft Copper Glass Pearls


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bead Along Catch Up's

Karin Vervoort - Double Star Earrings
3mm gun metal colour bugle beads
11/0 galvanized silver seed beads
15/0 silver lined seed beads
4 Caribbean Opal Blue Chatons, 8mm
Caribbean Opal Blue 4mm Bicones
Caribbean Opal Blue 3mm Bicones
Silver plated hooks
6lb fireline
Karin Vervoort - Milady Pendant

11/0 galvanised silver seed beads
11/0 delica DB151-TB
15/0 toho seed beads silver lined light sapphire
4 chinese rivolis sapphire blue 14mm
3mm light sapphire blue ab coated bicones
3mm powder blue glass pearls
8mm baby blue glass pearls
6lb fireline
Jayne Wilks - Sheherazade Pendant

6mm Glass Pearls – Light Amethyst
3mm Fire polished rounds – Opaque Lilac
4mm fire polished rounds – Purple
Size 11 seed beads – Silver lined purple
Size 15 seed beads – Metallic silver
Size 8 seed beads – Black
Louise Parkinson - La Fleur Bracelet

- Chatons, Rose Water Opal
- 3mm bicones, Rose Water Opal
- 11 seeds, transparent pale pink AB
- 15 seeds, 158 transparent olive
Louise Parkinson - Queenie Bracelet

- Rivolis, Crystal Green Sphinx
- Bicones, Dark Indigo
- Cylinders, Miyuki Transparent Rainbow Silver Grey
- 6 seeds, Toho gunmetal
- 15 seeds, 143 Transparent Chartreuse
- 11 seeds, 452 Metallic Dark Blue Iris
Louise Parkinson - Double Star Earrings

- Chatons, Crystal AB
- Bugles, Silver Lined Crystal
- 11 seeds, 1051 Dyed Galvanised Silver
- 15 Seeds, 250 Crystal AB
- 4mm Bicones, Silver Shade
- 3mm Bicones, Crystal AB
Louise Parkinson - Sheherazade Pendant

- 3 & 4mm Firepolish, Light Sapphire AB
- 6mm Rounds, Crystal Powder Almond Pearls
- 8 seeds, White Ceylon
- 11 seeds, Brown Iris
- 15 seeds, Crystal AB
Yvette Carter - Sheherazade Pendant
Yvette was very clever and made her pendant double sided. Below are pictures of both sides.

3 mm fire polish-Peach
4mm fire polish- Green Picasso
6mm satin rounds- Copper
8/o-Topaz Gold
11/o- Dark Peach lined Crystal AB
15/o- Topaz Gold (side 2) and transparent olivine green(side 1)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bead Along Almost Done!

Shayla Daniel - Double Star Earrings
8mm Chatons in Bermuda Blue
4mm Swarovski Bicones Ocean Blue
3mm Swarovski Bicones Ocean Blue AB
Size 15 seed beads silver lined
Size 11 seed beads silver
3mm Bugle beads Blue Gray AB
Tressa Williams - Double Star
Fuscia 3mm & 4mm Bicones
Pink Opal Chatons
Cinnamon Gold Luster Bugles
Duracoat Seeds

Yvette Carter - XXOXX Bracelet
4mm Fire Polish- Dark Brown
6mm Glass Pearls-Gold
11/o and 15/o seed beads- Topaz Gold
8/o seed beads- Ceylon Peach
3.4mm drops- Dark Topaz matte transparent
4mm bicone crystals- Red Topaz (looks orange)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Two more bead along pics

Here are two pictures that I received this week for the bead along. This past Sunday was the turn in date for the Double Star Earrings. I was really surprised that I have only had 4 people do this project. To me this was the simpliest project in the whole book. Guess it's just a busy time of year for people.

I love this bead along because I like how everyone uses such cool and different colors. It always fun to see what others put together because normally its beads or colors that, alone, we would have never thought about.  This bead along has been a fun way to learn. Only a few more projects and then we're done!

Cheryl - XXOXX Bracelet
Cheryl used a lot of materials that she already had on hand and was not sure of the exact colors used
Jayne Wilks - Double Star Earrings

8mm Chatons – Pacific Opal
4mm Glass Bicones – Aquamarine
3mm Bicones – Crystal AB
Size 15 Seed Beads – Silver Lined Aqua
Size 15 Seed Beads – Metallic Silver
Size 11 Seed Beads – Metallic Silver
3mm Bugle Beads – Aquamarine