
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween is on it's way

In my house Halloween was never a big deal. I didn't even ever go trick or treating until I was well over the age limit to go. My dad is a pastor and Halloween was never celebrated in our house. I have never dressed up for Halloween until the last few years. When I took over as Merchant Association president of our town we started doing trick or treat in town again. The first year I dressed up as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and the kids loved it. I had the big dress and all. I had a blast and decided to make it an annual thing and see each year what I could come up with. It's hard because if you go to the store to buy a costume everything is "sexy" nurse, or "sexy" kitten, etc. When you are around kids handing out candy "sexy" doesn't quite cut it. I went to our local costume shop and found this really fun Witch hat. I purchased the hat but wasn't thrilled with any costume I could find. Thus, Pinterest took over! I logged onto Pinterest and made my costume this year from scratch. As I was putting the finishing touches on my costume tonight I couldn't help but take pride in the fact that I had tried a lot of new crafts with this new costume. You always see all this fun stuff on Pinterest and Pin it but, how often do we really do the stuff we pin. Well I used quite a few pins for Halloween. From head to toe, I'm going to be a walking billboard for Pinterest!

Town wide Trick-Or-Treat is friday and I'm going to have Sammy take pictures so I'll post the full costume then. I'm so excited to wear my outfit! I'm going to be "Blingda" the Blingy Witch! Lol!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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