
Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

Day 2: I am thankful for my wonderful, loving, motivational, intelligent parents! My mom and dad are a huge part of who I am. They always told me when I was younger that when i grew up to do a job I loved so that I would have a good life. No matter if I had a lot of material wealth, as long as I was happy. And boy were they right! I may not be the richest person in the world but I have what I need and i like going to work everyday. I am extremely lucky to still have both of my parents. They have been married for over 32 years and have been such a blessing. I look back now and regret how I treated them as a (stupid) teenager but am thankful that they loved me enough not to kill me during my bad years. This picture is one of my favorite pictures of them. It was taken last Thanksgiving making it a perfect picture for my day 2 of thanks!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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