
Thursday, October 9, 2008

What a nice day!

Today was a really nice day. People came in the store all day talking about how dreary it was outside but I was really enjoying the weather because of the coolness. I love COLD weather! Today was also a great day because the lady over the Look Good Feel Good Program came by and picked up the earrings that people donated for the earring drive. She was so excited that we had done that! She said that they had 8 people in their upcoming class and that they would be the first to dive in the basket. It made me feel good to know that we all did something that might lift someone elses spirits. Because of us someone might have a brighter day. I almost feel sorry for those who didn't donate because they don't get to feel this joy. I told the lady that we would try to help do something else later for them also or we would try to make this a yearly donation. I think I was as excited as she was.

I am finally getting the layout of the shop and where everything is memorized. I had to move everything because I have something really special planned about the first of December and I had to make room for a few things. I can't really say much now but we be able to later in November.

1 comment:

  1. That is great about the earring drive....I have been to the Look Good Feel Good program and it is a wonderful thing. I still get their monthly invitations even though I am now in my 5th year. I have been celebrating this month by wearing lots of most favorite color and I love all my pink jewelry that I made from all the beads from Off The Beaded Path Bead Store...I hope we can do something else in the future for this worthy cause. And thanks too, for your donation to Forrest Hunt PTO Starfest that we had Thursday night...I was hoping to win that beautiful necklace you donated...oh well, I will just have to make me one...Thanks for the's great..hope to see you soon at the bead store. Lois
