
Monday, October 6, 2008

A New Day

Well, this may come as a shock to some of you but I completely changed around the store this weekend! The only things that didn't get moved was the register area and some things on the wall. Everything else is somewhere completely different. People always say that I like to move around the store alot but the thing I can't get people to understand is that I have to move things around to make room for new products. I am about to reach capacity so I may have to do a few "Out with the Old in with the New" sales. :) I really do enjoy moving things around thought :)

Sammy and I are going on another excersion to Chimney Rock Park today. Last week we bought season passes and hiked a short trail with our puppies. Today we are going to hike the "skyline trail" if it is open. This is the one that is on the top of the mountain above the actual chimney. We aren't taking the dogs today though because we want to see what the trail is like before we take them on it. Last week it was all we could do to keep them walking off the side of the mountain. By the time we got done with the trail I thought that I was going to have to carry Sammy and Lilly to the car. We had a great time though and I found out that I really enjoy hiking. It was the first time I had ever really done it and it was awesome. Seeing the beauty of my surroundings and being able to take my time and not be rushed was wonderful. It was also great because I left my phone in the car so i wouldn't be bothered with it either. All in all it was a great day!

For those of you who read my last blog....the puzzle is no longer on the kitchen table!

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