
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Our new life...

It absolutely amazes me how much life can change in 1 year! This time last year I was sick in bed pregnant with Grayson. I had just found out I was pregnant and Stayed sick for the entire month of January. It was all worth it though because now I have 2 Wonderful son whom Sammy and I love and adore. Heir learning how to eat food with a Spoon right now so everyday is a new adventure.


  1. Your son is adorable! Mine kids are all grown up....can I share yours! lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Precious little one! Soooo cute! Little huggable bundle! You're so blessed and so is he to have your loving family to grow up in every day! Happy and exhausting :)time! Be good to you! XOXOXO

  4. Oh look at the wittle puddin pop. XOXO
