
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years

2013 was a year of great fear and joy in my life. This time last year I was deathly sick with morning sickness. I had this great little human growing inside me. The first half of the year was spent being sick and scared of what August would hold. No one or no book can ever prepare you for what birth is like. It's amazing how you can be in the worst pain of your life and then that all goes away once you see your childs face.

The second half of the year was spent in great joy. Gayson has brought so much happiness to us and our families. Our parents couldn't be any happier and Sammyand I are enjoying parenthood. We had 13 years to ourselves so now it feels like such a blessing to have our new "family."

With 2013 in the rearview mirror it is now time to look ahead to 2014. This year I have a few goals:

1. To try 52 new recipes. That is 1 new recipe a week. I feel like our food / eating habits have gotten into a rut  and that it's time to try something new. I will share my new food experiences with you guys along The way.

2. To get back to pre-Grayson weight.

3. To finally read through the entire bible

Well goodnight. I wish you a Safe and happy new year and look forward to our adventures in 2014!

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