
Monday, June 17, 2013


A lot has been happening in my world over the last week or so. I was so excited because Friday I went to the Orthodontist and ended up getting my permanent retainers put in. I'm on the books to have my braces taken off July 22nd! I'm so excited and can hardly wait. Since I've gotten pregnant I've been hoping that I would get the braces off before I had Grayson and it's happening! Going to have to wear a retainer at night for the rest of my life but it's totally OK because it's pink and my new straight smile will be worth all the money.

I also had to go have my eyes checked last week. As always my eyes had gotten a little worse so I had to purchase new glasses. They ended up having to order my glasses but I'm looking forward to having new frames.

I had an Anesthesiologist appointment this morning. I had to go and talk to him about my pain options during birth. I really don't want to have to use him but it's better to be safe then sorry. After the appointment we were supposed to leave for the Beach. Sammy's whole family is there this week. After much thought though we decided to have a staycation instead. There is so much still to be done before Grayson gets here in August. Did we want to spend over 1000.00 on 3 days vacation or did we want to invest that money into the house? In the end the house won so we have been busy working from home today. Our first big project this week is the front walkway so we'll see how that turns out.

Tomorrow we have to go and pick up Sammy's new grill. We go to a church called NewSpring on Sunday nights about 40 minutes from our house. For fathers day they were giving away a 500.00 prize to one lucky dad. Well Sammy ended up winning! We were so shocked because there were about 600 dads at Sunday nights service! We go pick up his new mac daddy 5 burner grill tomorrow and then they will be delivering steaks to our house later this week. Sammy's first official Fathers Day was pretty awesome!

I went to the Grocery store today to pick up ingredients for a new recipe that I found on pinterest. It is for a Fresh Strawberry Yogurt Cake. It's pretty simple to make. The prep time is about 20 minutes but then it has to cook for 1 hour. I made the mistake of deciding to start making this cake at 9:00pm so by the time I got it out of the oven a few minutes ago I was ready to go to bed. I'm going to let it cool tonight and then add the lemon glaze tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out. You can find the recipe here:  Here is what the cake looked like when I took it out of the oven a few minutes ago. It's all I can do not to dive right into it right now! I'll finish it tomorrow, post pictures, and let you know how it tastes. I love pinterest but sometimes things are not always what they seem. Some recipes look so easy or look like they will taste so great and when i make them they don't seem that easy or seem to taste that great. Anybody else have that problem?


  1. Be sure to post a picture of you and Sammy and the new grill.


  2. Congratulations, I saw the photo of you both and you look amazingly well, so soon after giving birth.

    I too have that problem with recipes. Sometime I follow a design for a piece of jewelry and it only looks and sits right on a flat surface. Your projects have always been very wearable. Thank you Kelly, my best wishes for you and your family.
