
Thursday, May 10, 2012

What was I thinking?

I amaze myself at the things I get myself into. Sometimes I just have to wonder...what was I thinking?  Yesterday I was looking through Beaded Fantasies and I decided that the Sparkling Tops Necklace on page 121 would be a great gift for my mom for Mothers Day.  Well I really don't think I took into account how long it would actually take to make the piece.  I worked for over an hour and a half last night and only got 6 components made.  The necklace takes 39! So I'm on a hunt for something else to make for mom.  I am however going to continue with the necklace because I'm loving the colors I picked. They are completely out of my normal color range.  I am using denim blues and metallic purples with gold seed beads.  The picture below is what my bead mat looked like this morning before I left the house.  I knew if I brought the project with me to work today that I would get nothing accomplished because I would want to work on the necklace. 

If you are planning to make this necklace it seems like a slow start on the first two components because you are trying to figure out the pattern. I was able to not even look at the book anymore. It's just a repeative pattern. 


  1. I am so glad you recommended this book. I was not going to buy it thinking it was way over my skill level. I bought it after you gave it such high comments on your youtube review. I love it! I made the Grace bracelet with very little problems. I had to go back and re-read some of the steps just to make sure I understood but she wrote very clear instructions.
    I wrote her an email to tell her how much I love the book. She replied the next morning. Very nice.
    Thanks for the review!

  2. Thanks for your tutorials on You Tube.They are so easy, step by step.In a few minutes with you I learned more than in 2 days class.I never ever need to go there again, just follow your tutorials:)

    I found an interesting Neclace, mini book neclace.But didn`t found easy tutorial. Could you sometime teach us, please?-Terhi, from Finland-

  3. You are amazing I wish I lived closer to you. I was wondering about this book of beaded fantasies.
