
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wanted....Life Planner!

On a day to day my life is crazy.  There seems like there is always too much to do and not enough time to do it in.  I feel like I need a life planner.  Someone who can tell me what to do, for how long, and when.  I feel that if I had a little more discipline that I could get so much more done.  I have custom jewelry orders to finish, videos to make, classes to teach, and much more.  And to add to the I got my new book Beaded Fantasies by Sabine Lippert.  To say that it is a good book is an understatement. I literally want to make almost every single project in the book.  It is fantastic!  I am a huge fan of Sabine's work on etsy. I also follow her blog and her website.  I have been waiting on this book to arrive for months.  When they came in today I called my best friend Kim and she came to the shop and we just drooled over the projects.  We decided to work through the whole book and make all the projects.  Lets just say that it's a challenge between the two of us. 

We have decided to start on page 45 which is the La Fleur Bracelet.  I am doing mine in Amethyst and Kim is going to do hers in Champagne and Aqua.  Looks like I just added another log onto the fire but this is going to be so much fun and the samples will look great on my wrist/neck and in the shop!  If you get a chance be sure and get a copy of this book. You will not be disappointed!


  1. I just started beading, and following you on blogger, but discovered your youtube videos a few weeks ago. I am glad that you posted about this book because I have been eyeballing it for a week or so now. Because of your Ooo's and Aaa's about it, my husband ordered it for me today! Thank you and cant wait to see all of the fun patterns.

  2. Thank you so much for this gorgeous review ;-)
    All best and Happy Beading!

  3. Thanks Kelly,for talking about this book. I just got it for my birthday from my sister and can't wait to get started! I love Sabine's work and like you I want to go through the whole book. Will you be carrying the beads you are making the bracelet and necklace out of?? I would like to make it almost as it looks. Let me kknow so I can buy them from your Etsy site!!
