
Friday, April 27, 2012

Finally Friday!

Well folks its finally Friday!  It seems like Friday always takes forever to get here and then when you get a few days off they seem to fly by!  Does anyone else feel that way or is it just me?

Anyways I had started working on the bracelet from Beaded Fantasies but had to put it down yesterday morning to pick up work on a custom order.  I started working on the order back in the fall and then Christmas rolled around, New Years, and then honestly I just lost track of time.  I started working on it again yesterday and have one flower left to make. Once I finish it I can then make the necklace and get it all put together.  I am hoping to finish it up by the first of the week and get it off my desk.  It feels so good to get a big project like this one finished. Here's a peek at whats on my bead mat....

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