
Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a week!

Last week was such a crazy week. Life normally flows for me but this week it was all out of wack!  Sunday my mom started throwing up and getting sick. She was sick Sunday and Monday and went to her family doctor on Tuesday. The doctor told her she had a stomach virus and sent her home. On Thursday morning she still wasn't any better so dad took her to the emergency room.  Ended up, she had a gallstone and had to have it and her gallbladder removed.  The gallstone was over 2 inches long and that was what was causing her to be so sick.  She got to come home on Friday so the family has been taking care of her for the last few days.

On Friday afternoon Sammy and I went to see the new Hunger Games movie.  It was a good movie and if you had never read the book you would think the same thing.  The only problem is that if you've read the book, you notice things that are different or notice small details that they left out that could have made the movie better.  I guess a movie can never be as good as a book. We are going back to see it this afternoon with a friend so I'm ready to see it again.  Funny thing is, I purchased the book on Thursday for my mom to read while she was out of work. I can in Saturday afternoon and my dad was reading it.  He told me this morning that he stayed up until after midnight last night reading the book. He is over 3/4 of the way done with it.  I have never in my 30 years seen him sit down and read a book like this. I went and purchased him Catching Fire this morning so that he can start it when he finishes the Hunger Games.

On Saturday we had our 8 year anniversary sale at the shop.  I wasn't thinking that we would be super busy but boy was I wrong!   We were so busy!  A lot of our customers can out and participated in the festivities.  We had a record breaking day and it was awesome!  I love to have big sales because people are so excited to save money but I'm so glad when there over because they take a lot of work to get ready for.

This coming week is going to be even crazier.  Monday I have to sit with mom and try to get 2 videos done for the website, get the yard cut, and get all the clothes washed. Tuesday I work and then Wednesday Sammy and I leave for the beach. We are going away for a few days to refresh for the upcoming summer season.  We come home and Monday and then Tuesday I go get my new braces put on.  Gonna be interesting!


  1. Praying that your Mom recovers quickly and feels better. I had my GB out two years ago.... :-) the attacks feel like a heart attack. Anyway...God bless Kelly you are a wonderful person and awesome teacher. I'm still trying to get my montee necklace made. my mom has been going to chemo for NH Lymphoma and now also has bcell lymphoma so my brain just can't get into it...but did tell her that I will shave my head with her and we will find some cool scarves that we can put BEADS on!!! LOL. sorry rambling...have a wonderful week!

  2. Kelly, I hope your Mom is doing better. I have the Hunger Games book. I haven't read it yet. I hope you and Sammy get to relax and refresh yourselves. Hang in there, girl, everything will work out.


  3. Kelly,

    I love the video on the cross it really is pretty and I promise to wait until I am rested before I do one.LOL Please don't pay any attention to any grubby people who might complain to you that they can not do or understand what you show them. I can tell you first hand that your videos are clear and precise and very easy to understand. I love them! and wait all week for a new one so please keep them coming. Hope you have a very Blessed Easter and hope your mom recovers fast.

  4. Hi Kelly. I've just become a follower of your blog and so has my friend Jane. We both live in the UK and thanks to your you tube videos are now beginners in making our own jewellery. We just love what you do and are really grateful for the videos, they are so easy to follow and we've produced beautiful items and our friends think we're so talented and it's all thanks to you. We're even thinking of taking a weeks holiday to come and fly over and book some classes with you. We're totally in awe of your work. Please don't stop doing your videos. Following you on Facebook to do you can't get away from us LOL. X

  5. Oh my, I have just found your blog..after looking on Utube "how to do" something.. Your teaching is so easy to follow, Thank you for the time you take to show x

  6. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comSeptember 12, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    Hi, recently launched a free interactive "Human Body Maps" tool. I thought your readers would be interested in our body map of the Gallbladder:

    It would be much appreciated if you could include this tool on and / or share with friends and followers. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you in advance.
    Warm Regards,

    Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline Networks, Inc. * Connect to Better Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
