
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hoity Toity

2 Years ago when I went to the Bead and Button Show I took a class called Hoity Toity by Shelley Nybakke.  It was the absolute worst class I have ever been in.  One of the prerequestest for the class was that you know how to do Right Angle Weave.  A lady sat next to me who had never done it before.  So...guess who ended up having to help her? Me! She would ask the teacher a question and she would come over for one minute and then walk away.  This poor lady had no clue. 

I went to the show to learn new techniques and projects...not to have to teach someone while I was there.  To make matters worse the teacher sat and talked about her ex husband the whole time and how they were getting divorced.  All in all, it was just a bad experience.  It was supposed to be an all day class but at lunch I left and didn't come back.  I paid over $300.00 to take the class and it was a total waste of money.  I'm not ragging on the teacher because we all can have a bad day but the whole experience for me was just bad.

I got 3 circle components done in class and haven't touched it since.  Last night I found the pattern and kit and decided to sit and work on them for awhile.It was nice just to sit and work on something for myself.  I ended up making two more components and can't decide if I want to continue and make the necklace or if I just want to stop and make it into a bracelet.  The piece is pretty cool because one side is crystals and the other side is pearls so you can wear it two ways. The more I sit and look at it the more I think it may become a bracelet. What do you think? Continue on or stay as a bracelet?


  1. I like it Kelly, I say bracelet, but I'm a bracelet girl. LOL I have been watching your videos. You are the one person who has taught me RAW. I watched so many other videos and just couldn't get it. Now I love RAW. I'm sorry you had a bad experience at the bead and button show. I am anxiously awaiting the RAW weave bangle with fire polish base. You are my favorite teacher, keep up the great work.

  2. Hi Kelly -

    This turned out so pretty. I love it! I myself would wear it as a bracelet. I love necklaces, but seldom wear them. Now the bracelet I would wear more often. GORGEOUS!

    And I am so sorry you had such an experience at the class. It especially stinks when you paid so much money for it.

    Elaine Allen

  3. Wow, that is beautiful. I'm not sure what I would do especially since I love right angle weave but looks like a necklace to me.

  4. Very pretty and different, i think that i would prob wear it as a bracelet.

  5. It's so beautiful! If I could make anything like that, I would keep it as a bracelet and make a matching pair of earrings!

  6. If you make it to the necklace, Kelly, I think you'll need a central piece for it. Maybe something to show both sides in one? However, I do not imagine how at this very moment. Maybe something like figure eight with the small and a bigger ring? I hope to see your decision here if you'd favor this idea.
    Kisses :)

  7. Kelly
    I had a class like that. My class was not as expensive but after spending the cost of the class and supplies I was out a lot of money and did not learn a thing. So I feel your pain! LOL.

    I love, love, love your project! My vote would be to leave it as a bracelet, maybe you could make a pair of earrings to match.

    Once again Thanks for all your video's I can not express how much I enjoy them. How much I've learned, and how much they are a life saver for me.


  8. I vote for it to be a bracelet. It looks like you put alot of work into it, but no offense, it's not an attractive piece, but it looks like excellent beading. Sorry you had such a bad experience, I am always lery about paying so much for those classes, would rather purchase a good pattern and product.

  9. This is beautiful. I vote for it to be a bracelet.

  10. One womans view.. leave it as it is a bracelet. I like the crystal side best I like the bling side of things myself.

  11. Definitely a bracelet Kelly, its so nice and I like the style. I hope this is one you keep in mind for a future teaching video, I love it!
