
Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

My friend Gina has been trying to get me to go with her to get our Concealed Handgun License. She has to travel a good distance to work everyday and she wants to feel safer. So, I finally gave in and she came over yesterday and my dad took us shooting so that we could try and get comfy with a gun. I really don't want a gun and I'm so afraid of them but I did pretty good. This was our target:
I went to the Sheriffs Department this morning and applied to get a gun so watch out world.....I might be a gun toatin bead store owner soon.

After an afternoon of shooting it was time to watch the super bowl. I pulled out all of my beads too! I started playing around and ended up making some earrings for the shop. I pulled out all my extras from my stash and came up with some really simple and fun designs.

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