
Monday, February 13, 2012

Custom Orders and Designs

I was on a roll blogging and then after January I seemed to fall off the wagon! I have had a busy February working on new designs and Custom Orders. The Blue Necklace is a new design that I have made using pearls and Montees. I loved the way the necklace turned out. I really wished that pictures did some jewelry justice.

The brown pearl necklace is my moms Valentines Day gift from my dad. I can go ahead an show you guys because my mom never reads my blog. I used bronze pearls, Light Colorado Topaz Montees and a pretty rainbow topaz seed bead. I also made simple earrings to match. My mom wears a lot of browns and khaki's so I think she will love this new set.

These final two pictures are of a custom order. The flower center comes out a book by Diane Fitzgerald. I am a big fan of her work and I loved how this flower turned out. The customer is going to give it as a gift and wanted the recipient to be able to wear it with jeans and all things blue. I think it will go great. I also made some simple peyote triangle earrings to match. I love it when I can make a customer happy and I know that they are going to give the piece to someone who will appreciate it.

I better be sure to take some beads home with me just in case because they are calling for snow/rain mix tomorrow. We haven't had a snow all winter so I'll believe it when I see it. My luck, if I didn't take anything home with me I'd be snowed in for days. I'm not going to tempt the weather! This girl will go home prepared!~


  1. Hi, I saw your blue necklace made of pearls and montees, you could please show me how? It is beautiful and I have the material but do not know how do it, hopefully you can help me, kisses.

  2. Hello again if you could not put a toturial, you tell me, do you call the art to be able to search it? thank you very much.
