
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Earring Challenge Day 29

I love Sundays. It is my favorite day of the week. I am blessed to live across the street from my mom and dad and our Family tradition is on Sunday mornings my dad fixes a huge breakfast and I go over to there house and we all eat as a family. We have been doing this as long as I can remember. Sunday is also my nap day. I don't get to take a nap any other day of the week. As soon as I get home from Church I pile up under the cover and say goodbye to the world for a few hours. It is wonderful! Sunday is also what I call my "free day." Since i'm on weight watchers i am constantly having to watch what goes in my mouth. On Sunday I set that all aside. I eat what I want, when I want. I normally eat my large breakfast and then Sunday night's we go out to eat somewhere we normally wouldn't during the week. Its a nice break from having to be so obsessive over food.

Tonight will be a little bit different though. Here in the states the Pro Bowl is on. My husband will be on the couch watching football for 4 hours. Guess I'll do some beading. :)

My earrings for today's challenge are fun and dangly.  They are easy as pie to make. Each layer is on an eye pin. The bottom layer has 8 beads, the second layer has 4 beads, and the first top layer has 2 beads. Each layer is seperated by 5 links of tiny chain. It all comes together at the top with a jumpring and ear hook. These will be great to make for prom this year!

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