
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Earring Challenge Day 26

For todays challenge I wanted to make a pair of earrings that went wtih a certian top I had. A few weeks ago I purchased this green sweater. Before this purchase I have never owned anything in green! I don't know why it appealed to me but I thought it went great with my hair color. (Picture of shirt below) Problem with buying a color I have never owned is that I didn't have any earrings to wear with it.

I found the perfect thing for my earrings when I went to Ornamentea the other day. They had these earrings hoops that were made out of memory wire. They had a pair of earrings made up with them for a sample and I thought that they would be quick to make and would go great with my shirt. I purchased some Olivine and Lime crystals and in no time flat I had a wonderful pair of earrings that went great with my new green shirt.

I told Sammy that we had to take a picture so that people could see my earrings. Isn't he a sweetie?

Here they are again but you can't see them well. This picture was taken at the Confrence. The lady in the picture is Danielle Withrow. She is our Town Planner and has become a great friend over the past few years. It's always nice to go to the confrence but it sure is nice to come home!

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