
Friday, January 20, 2012

Earring Challenge Day 20

Day 20 Brings Earrings for a gift.  I have a very special customer who is going to get these earrings. Crystal Golden Flare in Preciosa Crystals are her favorite color. She brought in a ring back before Christmas for me to repair that was made out of the same color beads. I repaired the ring this week and I decided to make her a pair of earrings to match. These are the picadilly earrings that I made a few days ago but I tweaked the pattern just a little bit so that I wouldn't have to use a tear drop on the bottom.
I am making the earrings for her because she was sweet enough to bring me some clothes a few days ago. She and I both were on Weight Watchers last year. She hit her goal in no time by losing 25lbs. I, having to lose a good bit more, am finally down to the size that she was before she started WW. She was sweet enough to bring me some of her shirts and jackets and is going to bring me some pants as soon as she can get to them. I love losing weight but I am constantly changing sizes. I have lost 78lbs so far and have dropped 10 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,you already look beautiful.If you need to looseaome additional weight, it's probably only for the health sake - otherwise you have nothing t oworry about, really.
