
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! What a blessed day it has been! Our Christmas's are always crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. My day started at 5am when it was time to wake up and open gifts with my husband. I tried to get him to open them last night but he has never done that and he didn't want to start this year. My husband spoiled me by surprising me with quite a few beading patterns and not one but two beautiful rings. He got me a beautiful infinity ring with black diamonds in it and then he surprised me with a Swarovski ring that looks like a buckle. It sparkles like nothing I have ever seen before.

After we finished we had to be at my parents house by 6:30 to eat breakfast and open gifts. My parents surprised me with a krueig coffee maker. That baby is going to the shop!

From my parents house we travel to Sammys Parents home so that we can watch his younger sister open gifts. This is the first year since i have been in the family that we have not had to get there at 5 or 6 in the morning to see his sister open gifts. She is a sophomore in college now and likes to sleep late so we didn't have to be there until 8am! His parents surprised me with more beading patterns and a flat nose Lindstrom plier. Last year that got me the round nose and cutter Linstrom plier so this year they finished up my collection. If you have never used these pliers then you are missing out because they are FANTASTIC. I went to the Bead and Button show 2 years ago and all the teachers were using them. I immediately wanted a pair but was too cheap to buy them myself. Now that I have them I wouldn't use anything else!

Once we finished up at the Dale house then it was off to church. Christmas was super special this year considering that we actually got to go to church and celebrate Christ's birth.

After service we traveled to my moms twin brothers house to have Christmas with moms side of the family. My favorite tradition about Christmas with moms family is that my Aunt Carolyn always buys us towels for Christmas. I always look foward to these towels because if your like me this is an item that I don't want to purchase. I want to spend my money on other things.

Leaving Uncle Rays house we then travel 20 miles to Sammys grandmothers house to celebrate with his side of the family. It's always nice going to her house because she always has a fire going in the fire place and it's so nice and cozy.

Our final stop for the day is to my Grandmothers house to celebrate with my dads side of the family. All in all it's a really long day with lots of stops but one day all of those stops will be gone and I will miss them greatly. I try to enjoy every minute of them now and hope for them again next year. Sammy and I both have been so blessed to still have 2 grandmothers and our parents. God has truly blessed us and that is the greatest gift!

I hope that each of you have had a blessed and great Christmas no matter how you have spent it. Over the next few weeks you will get to see some of the new goodies I am going to make with all my new patterns. First though I am going to take a few days and go to the Beach to rest for New Years. So excited to see what 2012 is going to hold for me.

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