
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

First Kit from Christmas finished!

For Christmas this year my Mother and Fater in law purchased and gave me a beautiful kit from Nikia Angel.  I love Nikia's work and have been a fan for about 3 years now. Three years ago I went to the Bead and Button show to work for the Preciosa company and discovered Nikia's work. I was hooked at first look and am ashamed to say how much I really spent at her booth. I could have fed a small army with the money I spent on kits. It was money well spent though because I learned how to make some beautiful pieces from her kits. A majority of her work is all crystals and you know how much I love a little bling! I sat down Christmas night and started working on it because I thought that it wouldn't take too long to whip up. I ended up having to stop and so this morning I was late for work trying to get it finished. I was super happy with the results and I can't wait to make another.
Check out Nikia's etsy shop here:


  1. Kelly, this is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Look forward to a class/video on this one!!
    Susan Smith
