
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sometimes things just don't work out!

When new magazines and books come out I ooh and ahh over each of the patterns and I try to get the time to work on them. I finish most all the projects I start. Every once in awhile though I find pattern that I think I am just going to love and then once I start it the project looks nothing like the picture. This happened to me this weekend. There was a beautiful necklace pattern in the new Bead and Button Magazine that I thought I would just love! I pulled the beads and started on the "large medallion" first. The large medallion was not large by any means! I then thought I would continue so I made one of the smaller medallions. Well guess what......I hated it! Thus my pretty necklace has now became a pendant! Sometimes things just don't work out the way you think they should. I'm sure that somewhere out there someone will make the necklace and they will think it is the prettiest thing they have ever made or seen but to was a thorn in my flesh!


  1. The picture looks really pretty and I love your choice of the rounds, I think it's Dragon's Blood jasper?
    I might have to check this pattern out and give it a try as well...
    I've done the same thing with pair of earrings.. thought they looked so pretty and airy and when I finished them they looked clunky and tacky.

  2. Maybe you need other colors to like it better. It does the trick sometimes...
