
Monday, June 13, 2011

Can't believe I'm finally getting to this!

Like most beaders I like to hoard my beads and in my case I like to hoard kits.  I have went to the Bead and Button show for the last two years and have had an absolute blast! This year I decided not to go and in hindsight it was a good decision as my grandmother had a stroke the day I would have been set to leave.  Anyways, I was feeling down and out about not going this year so I decided to look at my kit stash. The last two years I have bought tons of kits at the show. I don't even want to know how much money I have put into these kits! I looked through and pulled out this great kit that I purchased from the Wire Lace Company.  It is called the Flight of Fancy bracelet. I started on it and have been working on it on and off this week while visiting my grandmother.  This is what I have done thus far and I only have about 2 steps left to finish and I will be done. I had the length made and then I had to re-adjust it since I have lost so much weight. I can't wait to get this kit finished so I can wear the bracelet! Alas the kit will have to wait until tomorrow night or Wednesday night before it gets finished because I have to get some glue from the shop to finish the last step. I will post pics of the final piece as soon as I finish.

As I said above, I was totally bummed out that I didn't get to go to the Bead and Button Show this year. It did give me time, however, to set a few goals for myself before the next show. First, I am going to get my directions written better for a ring that I came up with and I am going to submit it teach at next years show.

Secondly, I am going to work this coming year to get published in a major beading magazine. Last year I was published in Bead Trends and the sheer excitment of looking in a magazine and seeing my name above a project was far more than I could stand. To push myself though I need to come up with new goodies and work to get published. I am no longer contest just being Kelly the store owner. I want to be Kelly the store owner and published designer! Its all a matter of getting the right thing in the right persons hands and thats exactly what I'm going to work on doing!

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