
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

I spent most of the afternoon trying to change the look of my blog.  I though new year new look!  It is amazing that 2010 has already been and is gone.  I had a great time in 2010.  I threw a few suprise parties, made new friends, and made tons of great beaded projects.  It is my hope that 2011 will be as good as 2010. 

At the beginning of the year it is customary that people set up a list of Resolutions.  Well this year I am going to post a few goals that I would like to accomplish because if you set a goal, it makes it easier to keep the eye on the ball.  Plus, if i post it on here then I will be accountable to all who read this.

First, I would like to grow my online presence.  Meaning that I would like to keep up with the blog more adding great projects for everyone to try, and make more great videos to be uploaded on 

Second, I would like to be able to do more craft shows and get my store name out a little more.  This may come as a challenge though as I read today that by 2012 they are expecting gas to be up to $5.00 a gallon. That is so hard to believe because when I first started driving gas was .99 a gallon.  Inflation sucks!

And thirdly, I would like to strenghten my marriage to my husband.  The past few years have been a test for us and we have withstood the storm but I would like to grow my love for him and remember that he is my life partner and that I need to quite looking to others to find my happiness and I need to find it in him.

I hope that 2011 brings each of you lots of love, laughter, joy, money, and lots of great beading projects.

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