
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Can you believe that it is already November 1st?  This year has flown by! It is 8 weeks until Christmas and we all are going to be busy busy.  Knowing this, I took Jesus and Joyce Meyers advice and I took yesterday and rested and only did things that I enjoyed that I didn't get to do the rest of the week.  I went to church then came home, put my jammies on, read, took a nap, watched a little TV, and then Sammy and I went and visited his grandmother and aunt.  It was quite refreshing and I didn't go to my bead table not even once!  But today is a new day and I am ready to get back to it!  I am working on trying to get the order done for the week and I hope to get a new video done for the website this week.  This week's video is going to be on spiral stitch.  Once this weeks video is posted then i am going to take two weeks off from the technique series and do a video on flat celini and a video on an oval ring that I did a few years ago.  So be sure and be on the look out for these great videos!

We have two great classes coming up this week.  If you haven't seen Novembers Bead Class schedule yet you need to check it out at . We have lots of great classes for this month and all the classes are easy projects that would make great gifts.  On Tuesday of this week I am going to be teaching Time Capsule Earrings from 6-8. This class is $15.00 and includes all of your supplies.
On Saturday November 6th I will be teaching the Sparkly Beaded Bead Bracelet from 10-1.  The cost of this class is $25.00 and includes all of your supplies. This is a great class but a little more advanced so you will want to make sure that you have stitching experience before taking this class.
We got in the new Bead and Button Magazine this week.  It is an amazing issue that has some wonderful projects in it.  It has an awesome Christmas Ornament Pattern in it that would make a fantastic gift.  We only have a few copies left so be sure and stop in to get your issue today.  While your there be sure to check out our new Ceramic Christmas Beads that are so great this year!  I hope each of you have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to get this beaded bead class online and buy the instructions and the kit for this wonderful price? How sad I live in WA...I actually love living here, though. There must be the way to take your classes...
    I am reading your blog backwards, please, do not concede me crazy
