
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Well did you survive Tax Free Weekend?  No worries because school starts soon and a routine will be established for familes all across the county in a matter of weeks.  In other works, things will get back to normal! 

While your waiting, we have some wonderful sales and classes coming up over the next two weeks. First of all, tomorrow,(8/11)  Sammy will turn 30.  He is super despressed and doesn't want to celebrate his birthday.  So, I will turn his gift into a gift for you guys.  On Wedensday the 11th, all Artistic Wire and seed beads will be 30% off!  This discount is only good on the 11th.  This discount cannot be combined with any other disounts.

On Saturday we have a fabulous class from 10-1.  I will be teaching the pebblestone bracelet. This class is $35.00 and includes all of your supplies.  This is a great class for beginner to advanced beaders.

On Tuesday August 17th I will be teaching the Crystal Drop earrings from 6:00-8:30. These are my new favorite earrings!  They are 3D style drop earrings that are awesome!  This class is $26.00 and includes all supplies. 

I hope each of you have a fabulous week!

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