
Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's Good to be Queen!

So I just had a wonderful week and weekend!  I worked most of the week getting the store remodeled.  We worked out butts off and honestly I don't think I knew the extent of what I was getting myself into BUT...i'm glad I did it because the store looks awesome!  I am a proud mama! We re-opened on Thursday and a lot of our regulars came by because they wanted to see all the new changes.  We got a lot of positive feed back so it was nice to hear.

On Friday and Saturday I worked in Franklin NC selling Preciosa Crystals for one of my distributors.  I love working the shows because you can meet some really awesome people. One of the people I was so excited that I got to meet was Jennifer Heymen from Jangles.  Jennifer makes wonderful ceramic beads and buttons. If you have never looked at her stuff then you absolutely must because her stuff is SOOOOOOOO cute!  You can check out her website at she also has a blog at Take the time to check it out because you will not be disappointed!

Another wonderful lady I got to meet was Carol Wilcox Wells.  Carol is widely known for her beadwork and makes some breath taking pieces.  She lives in Asheville NC!  She had on a beautiful necklace that I adored and she said that she would be teaching a masters class on it next year at the Bead and Button Show.  Guess I better start saving my money!

And finally, I was going through some old pictures today and found this pic of me at Dolly Wood a few years ago.  They had a place that was selling all kinds of funny hats and I tried on a bunch and had sammy take pics.  I guess I knew that someday I would be queen.  I guess I should have bought this hat because I think it would make a great Beadie Lama hat!

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