
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting Things Done!

So, last fall, Sharon and I went to a bead show in Asheville and I fould these really cute componants that were made by MyELEMENTS.  They are shrink plastic and they are sooooo cute!  I instantly fell in love with them and wanted to go home and do something with them immediately.  Only problem is..I didn't!  I brought them home and they sat on a shelf until today.  Today I finally got sick of looking at the mess on my bead table and decided to organize a little bit. And suprise suprise guess what I found?  My pieces.  So having left my tools at the shop, I borrowed Sammys tools and made 5 new pairs of really cute and unique earrings.  As all of you know I have an earring obsession and I just added these to my ever growing collection.  Thats ok thought bc I'm a woman and I have the right to have fetishes.

In other news....I have been really inspired to work on some new projects lately.  I was looking on the web this week and I found a ceramic sugar skull pendant that I liked.  Now, not knowing exactly what a sugar skull meant I started searching and found some really interesting info on sugar skulls and the day of the dead.  If you have never seen or heard of either, surf google and look them up. You will be quite suprised at what you find.  Along with the sugar skull that I still haven't ordered, I have been trying to get out of my crystal box that I live in and try a gemstone box for awhile.  I have been working on getting some new gemstones in the store and have found some really neat new pieces.  I am trying to transform the shop a little bit at a time.  I started out the year wanting to re-priortize my business and I have been successful so far.  I have been doing little things at a time so that It doesn't seem extreme to me or my customers.  This tactic has worked for me so far and I am going to continue to build on it.  I hope to have all the new changes made by the beginning of summer. At least that's my goal.

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