
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Steampunk Play Day!

Tada!  I finished the necklace I wanted to make with my cute little wire wrapped roundelle flowers.  It went in a completely different direction than what I was going for but I still love it!

I was also able to finish a new ring with one of the stones I got in Charlotte.  I wanted to do something simple with the stone because I wanted it to show more than my beadwork.  I totally love the new piece and I told Sammy that if he was to ever buy me a new diamond that I wanted it to be as big as this stone! :)

Today at the store Vicki and I had Steampunk play day.  Although I took a class last year to learn how to solder pieces like this, I taught her my version of how to make these fun steampunk componants. After some complication with the solder I was able to come up with these new babies.  Some turned out really good and then some not so great.  Instead of putting 5 of them on a thick chain like I normally word, I put each piece on it's own 18" chain. The necklaces turned out really cute espically for someone who doesn't like really extravagant pieces.  I even made Sammy one so he could be "steampunked."  Now what project to do next?

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