
Monday, September 28, 2009


WOW! Has it really been since July that I haven't blogged? Where does time go? Sorry for the long absence but a lot has gone on since July! Near the end of July Sammy's grandmother found out she had Tongue cancer. She had surgey to remove half of her tongue in August. She has just started her Radiation treatment and that will last for seven weeks. Patty, sammys mom also a worker at my store, has been out taking care of her mom. So, with Patty being out a majority of the work has fallen back on me. I thought I would be completely stressed about it but I haven't been because my husband, Sammy, has been around to help. In March Sammy was diagnosed with MS and he sold his business. Since April he has been trying to figure out what to do with his life. He had a clean slate and he could pretty much do whatever he wanted to do. But, the lord knows all and had a plan. It was a blessing that Sammy hadn't moved on to do something else because he was available for me when I needed him the most. Sammy has become quite an amusing fixture at the store. The women love him and the men like to see a "Man" there. All the sudden the bead shop isen't so girlie anymore! Needless to say, it has been an intresting summer and I have learned some wonderful lessons on who to love and who to trust and not trust. With that being said, I am going to try my best to start blogging regularly again. Until next time, Bead Happy!

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