
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello from Milwaukee

The above picture is leaving Charlotte NC around 9:30 in the morning on 6/2/09.

These two pictures are the prettiest thing I have ever seen. The pictures do the clouds and the expierence no justice!

Today I am in Milwaukee. I got here yesterday and boy has it been an experience! I was bored out of my mind yesterday! I have found nothing exciting to do yet except hit the mall which is right below my hotel. To top it all off, the TV in my room only gets news and sports channels. Makes for a boring day! The only good thing about yesterday was the fact that I met Nikki Thornburg and Heidi from the Beaded Frog in Greenville SC for dinner last night. I had a wonderful dinner. My only problem is that Milwaukee is a beer town and everywhere you go there is beer. The waitress and waiters look at you funny when you order anything but beer! I am not a drinking girl so I don't see what people get out of it. But we had a nice dinner and it was great to listen to stories of Bead and Button past.

Today will be better thought because we start setting up in the show hall. I don't really know what to expect because I have heard the show hall is a sight to behold. I better enjoy the show while I can because after I get home I don't know if anyone will ever get me on a plain again. Don't get me wrong, I liked the fact that it only took me an hour and a half to get here but I made myself sick before I even got on the plain because my nerves were bothering me. Tight cramped corters for 2 hours is not my idea of fun, espically when you are by yourself. A travel mate would have been much better. I got tickled on the plain because I must have been the only person on the plain who had never flown before. Everyone was reading books, sleeping, and doing there own thing. Meanwhile I couldn't keep my eyes off the windows. The view from the sky is amazing. My favorite part about the flight was when we were flying above the clouds!

I will update you tonight or tomorrow on how the set up is going.

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