
Monday, May 4, 2009

Been a Long Time!

It has been forever since I was last able to Blog. Right after my last blog I had to take my Husband, Sammy, to the Emergency Room. The day I took him he woke up and couldn't walk or use his arms or hands. We stayed in the ER all day for them to tell us that he had MS. They then sent us straight down to Spartanburg SC for him to start treatment. We have been back and forth to the Dr's office since March. Things are finally starting to calm down. Sammy has started on his Medication and seems to be doing well. Maybe now I can get back to regular blogging!

The one really good thing about all of this is that I have taken up a new hobby....I have started sewing. One of my favorite blogs to read is Shiny Little Things by Cynthia who owns a Bead Shop in Raleigh NC. She was talking about wearing dresses and looking for dresses. I love to wear dresses in the spring and summer but it is so hard to find super cute dresses in my size so I decided to try and make my own. I have made two so far and I am working on sewing some things for my mom and mother in law for Mothers Day. I am really enjoying it! I will try to post a picture of the dress I made for my mom later this week.

The picture above is of me and Sammy a couple of weeks ago at his best friends wedding. He hated it with a passion that he had to wear pink. I think we matched pretty well don't you?

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