
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

TV day is coming up! I found out today that I can actually teach Jack and Kimberly how to make something on the show next week. I decided to teach them how to make a pair of Breast Cancer Awareness earrings using the concave loop making pliers. I got that self conscious feeling though that my hands looked terrible and that everyone was going to see how bad they looked. So, thinking this, I went and got some nails put on today. It is going to take a few days to get used to them but I really like them. Call me vain but it's not everyday that you get to be on TV you know! The producer also asked me if we had a website that they could send customers to. I decided right then that my video blog did so good this week that I am going to do a short video on how to do the earrings so that anyone who goes to the website can see. (I love having a husband who is technologically advanced!)

I was also really excited today because we got 17 new colors of 3.2mm drop beads. These beads are used in the wave ring in the current bead and button magazine. I brought some home with me and I am going to work with them and see what cool stuff I can come up with. I have an idea for a great pair of earrings but we'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kelly....your nails are will make us proud for sure...can't wait to see you on tv.
