
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life can throw u curve balls!

Well, for those of you who take the time to read my blog you are probably wondering where I have been for the last few weeks. has been a blur since Christmas. My holiday was wonderful. Even though Santa didn't bring me what I wanted I still had a wonderful Christmas because I got to spend it with my family. Gifts don't amount to anything if you don't have someone to share them with! My husband and I are extremely lucky because between the two of us we still have 3 grandmothers that are alive. This Christmas was a blessing because we still had them around to share it with.

After Christmas things started to get crazy. At the first of the year I get really excited and I try to think of all sorts of new things we can do at the store in the coming year. I try to come up with new classes, new demos, new give aways, and new contests. I also went into Valentine's day mode and started ordering new heart beads. So, as I was busy planning for the store a curve ball was thrown at me. As of this coming Tuesday I am officially going to be the new President of the Forest City Merchants Association. This is a big responsibility because you are over all of the events that happen in Forest City such as the Car Show, the parade, and the Carriage Rides. I am really excited about my new position and I hope that I can do a good job. I just want to see Forest City grow and get back to it's roots. A group of us are getting together to start to plan some new events for the town. We are really stoked and can't wait to see some of our idea's come into play.

While I was reveling over the Presidential position I found out some more great news. On Monday January 19th I am going to go to Greenville SC and be a guest on the Jack and Kimberly "Your Carolina's" show on channel 7. I am really excited! One of my great friends, Kim Campbell, was nice enough to send an email to the show telling them about us and the store. They decided to do a segment on us and invited me to come down. They are going to do a 6 minute segment on the show about our store and all of the things we do at "Off The Beaded Path." Most of you will be off work on this day so I hope you will get a chance to watch me promote the store and our great Down Town area.

I have also been anticipating the 17th. I am going up to Hendersonville to take a soldering class. As with any hobby when you start learning how to bead all you do is basic stringing, then you move onto stitching, then possibly wire working or PMC work. Eventually you just get into a rut and want to try something totally different. Well, I have hit my rut and on the 17th I am going to learn how to cut copper and solder things to the copper to make a one-of-a-kind bracelet. I am so excited just to learn how to solder with a torch. I know how to solder with a small soldering iron but I have never ventured into the world of torch soldering. I will let you know how this goes!

I have also been busy working on the February class schedule. We have some amazing new classes coming up and I can't wait to get them posted for you to see! Hope everyone has a blessed day!


  1. Kelly, Thanks for the update on all the exciting things going on at "OFF The Beaded Path". Looking forward to another great year visiting, taking classes, going to "Try It Tuesday", and just seeing all of you at the store. You're the "BEST". Lois

  2. Congratulations, Kelly. Sounds like 2009 is starting off great for you and that's wonderful because you deserve it. I, too, am looking forward to new beading experiences in '09. With you help, I know it will be great.
