Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January.....Blah Blah Blah

So sorry for the absence but January has been a really odd month for me.

The week before Christmas I found out that I was pregnant. Needless to say it was a surprise. We told our immediate family on Christmas Day and everyone was ecstatic! Sammy and I have been married for 10 years so I'm pretty sure our parents had given up on us ever having them any grandchildren. Everyone asked me had I been sick. I said no, that I had been really lucky.  I should have NEVER said that! The day after Christmas I woke up so sick and it has continued through the whole month of January. It wouldn't have been so bad but the morning sickness seems to last all day and then about 10:00 at night I start feeling awesome and am ready to conquer the world.The nausea was so bad that some days I couldn't even get off the couch. I tried every old wives tale and got tons of advice from new mothers but nothing I try seems to work. I finally had to resort to take a medication that seems to help but knocks me out for hours at a time. Sammy has been a champ through all of it. He has treated me like a queen and has really picked up the slack at the shop. I wasn't able to come to work but about 4 or 5 days the whole month of January so you can imagine at this point how far behind I am on everything.

Then this past Thursday rolled around. I started to feel more sluggish than normal. Should have known at that point something was wrong. I woke up at 5:00am on Friday so sick. I was throwing up everything. I couldn't even keep water down. The Dr called me in something and it helped me feel a little better. Saturday I woke up feeling like a champ. I got up and washed everything in the house that could be washed and Lysoled the whole house hoping that Sammy wouldn't get the virus. I swear I wouldn't wish that stomach virus on my worst enemy. Then Sunday morning about 3:00am I woke up sick again and I was so weak I couldn't hardly walk. Sammy woke up about 5:00 and took me to the ER. They pumped me full of fluids, took blood, gave me something to help me rest, and did an ultrasound to make sure the baby was OK. I haven't had an ultrasound at the Dr's office yet so this would be the first time that we would be able to see our baby. It was the most amazing experience to see that little life form. Up until then I don't think that the fact that I was pregnant felt real to me. I am look forward to the end of January. I'm hoping that with the end of January comes the end of sickness.

 If it's the Lord will then Baby Dale will make an appearance in August. We are trying our best to keep all the videos and tutorials on track but we may hit some bumps in the road. I just ask that everyone be patient with us as Sammy and I go through this new phase of our lives.


Lynnette said...


Darlene said...

Congratulations to you and your husband !!
I wish you nothing but the best in the upcoming weeks,
months, years with
the new love of your life !!

Hilary said...

Amazing news!! Congratuations!! So pleased for you and Sammy. Wishing you all the best and praying the sickness disappears very, very soon. Don't worry about the videos and tutorials - people will understand and I'm sure they can go back and try out previous ones. The most important thing is you and little Baby Dale. Your life will never be the same again! God bless you all - God bless you all xxx

Stephanie in Houston said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you both! May God richly bless your family! ((((( hugs )))))

Wanda Phillips said...

What exciting news. Congratulations on the forthcoming arrival.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, God bless you and Sammy and the baby. As far as the videos go, just do the best you can and remember we all love you. Don't overdo, this is your time to be pampered.


Debbie said...

Congratulations, Wishing you and Sammy all the best. Take care of yourself and the rest will fall in place.

Unknown said...

Oh sweetie! I'm so very excited for you both! We were married 9 years before I got pregnant, but mine was due to infertility issues. You have a wonderful husband who has shown that he is going to be a great daddy too. I will definitely keep you in my prayers, and look forward to seeing videos.

Holly L. said...

I'm so very happy for you and Sammy! You think that you know love now but when baby Dale arrives, you will know a love like none other before or after! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing. I feel your pain, I was sick every single day of my pregnancy; including during my c-section that had to be paused while I barfed! I hope it's not the same for you! I will say it was worth it. Sending prayers for a healthy baby and safe delivery! What a blessing the Lord has bestowed upon you! Big love from Texas!

Jennifer McGee said...

Congratulations. I hope that your pregnancy sickness wears off as your little one grows.

CarrieB said...

Yay! So exciting! My mom and dad waited 5 years for a child,
which doesn't seem like a lot, but my mom was 41, almost 42 when she had me.
I like to say I was a happy accident. They had decided that it just wasn't in the cards
for them to be parents and then TA-DA! there I was!
Can't wait to hear all about Baby Dale. Hope you get through the lovely sickness that
goes along with creating life.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news! Hope the morning sickness will pass really quickly and you can enjoy your pregnancy.
Sue UK

Debby Wallace said...

Congratulations on the wonderful creation of new life... I am sending prayers that the morning sickness goes away soon... You and Sammy will be great parents... Lots of hugs from, Debby, Yuma AZ

cathy said...

congratulations, I know that you and Sammy are so excited. I hope that you are feeling better.

Elaine A said...

Congratulations to you and Sammy, Kelly! Hope you start to feel better soon sweetie? You just take good care of yourself.

Elaine Allen

Sue Jensen said...

That is just wonderful news Kelly, I pray that all goes well for and the little one fron this day forward. Oh and I will take bets your going to have a girl..
Hugs to you
Sue Jensen

Sheri said...

Woderful news. Vitamin B6 sure got me through the all day sickies.

Wendy said...

Congratulations - I hope you start feeling well soon - it is all worth it! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Judy said...

Congratulations!!! now when he's born and you do a video, you must put the carrier where we can see him too!!! <3

Leslie said...

I'm so happy for you and your hubby! Hoping that your difficult time is over soon. Your little one will be such a blessing to you! Thanks for sharing your talent with us through your videos and I look forward to new ones when you are feeling better.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! Nothing in the world as wonderful as a baby! And no words adequate enough to express the love you will feel. It will make you forget how sick you're feeling now. Hope you're better soon.

tina said...

Congratulations Kelly and partner i wish you all the best xxx

Tammy Bryant said...

CONGRADS to you and Sammy. My cousin and they tried for 10 years and when they found out they were pregnant she was sick like you but they had TWINS! LOL I so happy for the two of you don't worry about the videos, we will get when we get them from you. If they can't wait until you can make them that's their lose.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear the Pregnancy 'news'. Will be praying for a safe and healthy little baby. Will keep you in my thoughts for an end to the awful nausea. Wishing you and your Hubby all of the best.

craftsbyjacqui said...

Congratulations Kelly!! I wish you and your family nothing but the best.

Jo said...

Had the same issue when I was expecting...the only thing that worked for me was a cup of brewed tea right when I woke up in the mornings...nothing in it..just tea....worked miracles!!!!! Good luck and congrats!!!!

grannybee said...

congrats my dear and congrats to the grand parents as well...grand children are a blessing like none other. I know, I have 3 blessings myself.

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! Hope everything goes well and baby Dale will be here before u know it!!!!

Simply Sian said...

Congratulations on your new adventure into parenthood.

Whoever made up the term "morning sickness" has obviously never experienced it!!

Heather said...

What amazing news for you and your family~! congratulations and my best wishes in the months and years to come! im so very very happy for you and Sammy!! *hugs you from afar*

Anonymous said...

I just recently started becoming a big follower of your videos and work. I'm very excited for your little growing family, may God bless your new journey.

Maryp said...

I just have to say how very happy I am for you both and pray for all to be safe and happy. I must say that over the past year I broke both of my arms and was home from work for 5 weeks. In those weeks I watched your videos and learned how to bead which was also a great therapeutic tool to keep my arms moving and at the same time produce amazing pieces all thanks to you Kelly. There were some days that depression took over but once I saw and heard your calming voice filled with blessings and prayers, I became happy again. Your baby is so lucky to be blessed with you and Sammy as you will make awesome parents. Keep your spirits high and don't loose your inner goddess of beading. All the very best from Mary and Joe (my husband), we have been married for 7 years with no luck of babies, but we try. Anyway i can't wait to see more videos. Blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Sammy! Funny, I had noticed that your energy level was different in the last couple of weeks videos; I was worried about you! How exciting is your coming adventure into parenthood.

Be Well and be Blessed

Caron Bailey said...

Congratulations Kelly and Sammy! Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy!

Barb T. said...

Congratulations! Very happy for you and your family. I hope the nausea stage is over for you now; how awful to have flu on top of it. As others have said, no worries if you need to cut back the video schedule, everyone will understand. Even for those of us who only know you through your videos, you feel like family. Big hugs.

Unknown said...

Huge congratulations! My morning sickness was 24 hours a day until i was about 18 weeks. Its rough, but we have a beautiful baby boy who is now 4 and a half months and perfectly healthy, so all worth it in the end. Enjoy your scan, and i wish you and your lovely husband all the best for a healthy pregnancy and new baby x
